Puebla Trip Overview

Two cities that keep the fundamental history of Mexico, full of memories and culture. Beginning in the city of Puebla, as first Spanish city of the sixteenth century, which in its streets, architecture and gastronomy it shows the crossbreeding of two cultures. In our tour, we show more attractions. Full of magic and history that covers from the beginning of the planning of a city perfect made by the Angels to the modernity of a declared city cultural heritage since 1987, which fill any visitor with emotion.

Our second point is the ancient city of Cholula, dazzling us with the history of our ancestors, an olmec group xicalanca, who made the base piramidal largest in the world. This cultured and settled population in the famous the sacred city, the known part of the amount of Altars, today under one

Evangelization turned architecture through the churches Cholula as the oldest living town in America still with culture that lasts through its traditions and customs.

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Duration: 2 days
Starts: Puebla, Mexico
Trip Category: Cultural & Theme Tours >> Cultural Tours

Explore Puebla Promoted Experiences

What to Expect When Visiting Puebla, Puebla, Mexico

Two cities that keep the fundamental history of Mexico, full of memories and culture. Beginning in the city of Puebla, as first Spanish city of the sixteenth century, which in its streets, architecture and gastronomy it shows the crossbreeding of two cultures. In our tour, we show more attractions. Full of magic and history that covers from the beginning of the planning of a city perfect made by the Angels to the modernity of a declared city cultural heritage since 1987, which fill any visitor with emotion.

Our second point is the ancient city of Cholula, dazzling us with the history of our ancestors, an olmec group xicalanca, who made the base piramidal largest in the world. This cultured and settled population in the famous the sacred city, the known part of the amount of Altars, today under one

Evangelization turned architecture through the churches Cholula as the oldest living town in America still with culture that lasts through its traditions and customs.


Day 1: Puebla city

Stop At: Biblioteca Palafoxiana, Av 5 Ote 5, Puebla 72000 Mexico
On September 5, 1646, Bishop Palafox y Mendoza donated his personal library, composed of five thousand volumes, to the seminarians of the Tridentine colleges, ordering that it could be consulted by anyone who wanted to read or study, for which it is considered the first public library in the Americas.

Since then, it was established in the former College of San Juan, in the heart of the city of Puebla.

Named in 1981 a Historical Monument of Mexico for its beautiful emblem of the baroque New Spain emblem; and in 2005, it was included by the UNESCO as part of the Memory of the World program for its bibliographic collection of the old repository; the Palafoxiana Library is today a museum of books and continues its work as a universal library. In addition, it has a Play Room to disseminate librarian arts among children.

Duration: 30 minutes

Stop At: Puebla Cathedra, c 16 de Septiembre s/n Zócalo, Puebla 72000 Mexico
It is dedicated to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception and is the seat of the Archdiocese of Puebla. Its construction dates back to 1539 but it was not until 1690 that it acquired the shape and size it has today. It is of Herrerian style with Renaissance facades and Baroque interiors. Today, it is considered one of the most beautiful in the world due to the many treasures of its interior.

Its two towers, flanking the Puerta del Perdón, are among the highest in the country. In its interior the Altar of the Kings, the sumptuous Baldaquino or Cypress, the altar of the Forgiveness and choir of magnificent chairs, the three organs, the paintings of Miguel Cabrera in the Viacrucis, the Chapel of the Holy Spirit and the Sacristy are stand-out features that guard authentic treasures of religious art.

Currently the videomapping “Mosaicos Poblanos” is projected on the main facade on weekends which consists of a show that displays different stages of the history of the State, cuisine, talavera, textiles and popular festivals.

Duration: 30 minutes

Stop At: Zocalo, Puebla 72000 Mexico
The Main Square is located in the heart of the historic center of the city of Puebla, surrounded by shops, restaurants, the City Cathedral, City Hall, cafés, etc. Before being called the Main Square, the area was known as the Plaza de Armas, as if during battle the enemy could overthrow it, they could then control the rest of the city.

In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries theatrical performances and other leisure activities were held in the Main Square; its design was different with the fountain to one side in order to stage bullfights. In 1869, the current garden was started and from 1872 to 1883 iron benches were placed.

The Main Square remains the cultural, political and religious center of the city of Puebla. Concerts and other cultural activities are often organized. On weekends, it is crowded with tourists, vendors, people sitting in the pews, either reading or just relaxing and enjoying a nice time.

Duration: 20 minutes

Stop At: Capilla del Rosario, Templo de Santo Domingo, Avenida 4 Poniente Centro, Puebla 72000 Mexico
Located inside Guzman, this chapel is considered the greatest jewel of the Mexican Baroque era thanks to the exquisite decoration that it keeps inside. Its construction dates from the seventeenth century and is the first in Mexico dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary.

The sumptuous decoration based on onyx, gilded plasterwork, paintings and tiles covered with 22 carat gold plates make the chapel a unique building of its kind, which has been considered the eighth wonder of the new world and was named as a “reliquary of America” by Pope John Paul II in 1979.

The sides of the nave contain 6 canvases by José Rodríguez Carnero with the scenes of the joyful mysteries of the Rosary.

It was the first Chapel dedicated to the Virgin of the Rosary that was built in Mexico, as a sign of the great devotion to the rosary of the Dominicans, who aslo professed to teach the faithful to pray by promoting visual arts to educate the people.

Duration: 30 minutes

Stop At: Street of Candies, Av. 6 Oriente Intersection Calle 2 Nte, Puebla Mexico
Also called Santa Clara street because the former convent of Clara Nuns can be found there, who since the eighteenth century make delicious rompope, candy and cookies of different shapes and packaging that combine recipes and ingredients.

Among the most representative state candy are the sweet potatoes, Santa Clara pancakes and ‘muéganos’ (candy made with square pieces of wheat flour fried and glued together with honey).

Currently, along this street there are many shops that offer traditional candy and reveal the Pueblan tradition of craftsmanship, domestic creativity and conventual imagination.

Duration: 20 minutes

Stop At: Barrio del Artista, Calle 8 Norte 410, Puebla 72000 Mexico
It is an attractive corner with a Baroque fountain adorned with sculptures, where you can take a nice walk to vist the workshops of painters and artists working in the public eye.

This bohemian neighborhood of Puebla is perfect for a leisurely stroll or sitting in a cafe to watch the colorful street environment.

During your walk, you will find the bronze monuments of José Márquez Figueroa and the authors of the song “Qué chula es Puebla” (How Lovely Puebla is), Rafael Hernandez and Bernardo San Cristobal.

Duration: 15 minutes

Stop At: Pasaje Historico del 5 de Mayo, Calle 14 Pte. Zona Arqueologica de Cholula Barrio Xanenetla, Puebla 72290 Mexico
Secrets of Puebla

The Pasaje Histórico del 5 de Mayo joins the underground network that together with the Puente de Bubas form the “Secrets of Puebla”.

The passage revives ancestral values on a journey through the depths of colonial Puebla. 350 years of secrets kept under the Historical Center revealing legends and stories never told.

The tunnel that was intervened has lighting and audiovisual resources that allow us to know its history. In the second stage we discover the relationship with the area of ​​Los Fuertes and the headquarters of General Ignacio Zaragoza in San José, for what is believed was fundamental for the Battle of May 5, 1862.

It crosses the more than 1,000 meters that join the Passage located in the District of Xanenetla and the Passage in Los Fuertes.

Visit Secrets of Puebla and know the Bubas Bridge, the Convent of San Francisco, the oldest area of ​​the city, the Chapel of Santa Elena, as well as the Almoloya wash houses, among other points.

Duration: 30 minutes

Stop At: Fuertes de Loreto, Av Ejercito de Ote S/N Corner with Calzada de los Fuertes street, Puebla 72290 Mexico
Visit the Civic Center on 5 de mayo, a place to enjoy breathtaking views of the city, visit the Museum of Nonintervention in Fort Loreto, the Anthropology Museum, the Fort of Guadalupe, the Planetarium, the Museum of Natural History and Exhibitor Center where the most important events in the city of Puebla such as the annual Fair on May 5 are held.

Panoramic view
Duration: 30 minutes

No meals included on this day.
No accommodation included on this day.

Day 2: Cholula

Stop At: Great Pyramid of Cholula, Calle 11 Nte. 1005, San Pedro Cholula 72760 Mexico
It is one of the most important archaeological sites in the country, the main pyramid has the largest base in the world with 400 meters per side, beating that of the Sun Pyramid at Teotihuacan and the Cheops in Egypt.

Its name is Tlachihualtepetl, meaning handmade hill and on it is the Shrine of Our Lady of the Remedies, which was built by the Spaniards in 1594.

Its dome is covered with talavera and inside you can see a neoclassical altar and the Virgin, whose devotion spread the belief that she appeared to the Spaniards on the sad night.

Archaeologists excavated in the building about 8 km of tunnels that allow observation of the different phases and can be visited today.

Among the riches of this site there are 2 pre-Hispanic murals, the mural of the drinkers and the mural of the grasshoppers.

The Great Pyramid is dedicated to the god Chiconquiahuitl (of rain) who was venerated by the Olmeca-Xicalanca culture until 1300 AC

Duration: 2 hours

Stop At: Templo de Santa Maria Tonantzintla, Av. M. Hidalgo, San Andres Cholula 72828 Mexico
Sixteenth century temple that defines the popular baroque art par excellence. Its name originates in the Nahuatl language, and means “place of our mother”.

In the pre-Hispanic culture Tonantzin is one of the names of the goddess of corn and is associated with the protection of men.

The interpretation of its interior is an advocation to the heaven of Mary, you can see brown angels, Mexican fruits such as: papayas and even chilies; objects like plumes, and eagle knight outfits.

Another version explains that it is the representation of one of the pre-Hispanic heavens: the Tlalocan. Its construction underwent 4 important stages, one of which caused the tower to be inside the temple, a peculiar characteristic of the temple.

The objective of its creation was the evangelization of the native groups. It was declared a historical monument on November 11, 1933. Address

Duration: 30 minutes

Stop At: Templo San Francisco Acatepec, Amozoc, La Purisima San Francisco Acatepec, San Pedro Cholula 72875 Mexico
It was between 1650 and 1750 when the wonderful façade of this church was made and it is considered a masterpiece of Mexican Baroque. The main reason that makes the church of San Francisco Acatepec a great attraction is the gallantry displayed by each of the mosaics that cover it and make it look colorful.

Its fascinating multicolored façade was designed and created only for it; you can see the 3 point mosaics in the form of a triangle up close, and this is because it required rapid construction and it was decided to put more than 2 strips of tiles in the furnace and used 3 sticks to place mosaics on top of each other, this helps to distinguish the originality of the pieces.

The interior of the church is no less important as it houses an incredible architecture, as well as being the only one in the municipality that has two rows of mirrors. The warmth of its fiscals and the people who guard the church are very pleasant and make you feel part of the community.

Duration: 30 minutes

No meals included on this day.
No accommodation included on this day.

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