Troncones Photography Session

-The day of your shoot-

Rodrigo will take you to a private location along the beautiful Troncones coastline.
We will go to Majahua beach and enjoy stunning views of uninhabited palm tree forest, Sierra Madre mountains, turquoise ocean. Together we will find the perfect balance of beautiful background and magical lighting. Documentary-style photographs will capture raw emotion of moments.
* Duration: 1 hour 20 minutes
* Starts: La Majahua, Mexico
* Trip Category: Shore Excursions >> Ports of Call Tours

-The day of your shoot-

Rodrigo will take you to a private location along the beautiful Troncones coastline.
We will go to Majahua beach and enjoy stunning views of uninhabited palm tree forest, Sierra Madre mountains, turquoise ocean. Together we will find the perfect balance of beautiful background and magical lighting. Documentary-style photographs will capture raw emotion of moments.


– Get Ready!-

*It is recommended that you bring a bathing suit as well as 1 change of clothing*
– Light linen*(pastel) coloured / beachwear, hats, sunglasses, beach wrap, flowers, and your smile! will add character and flavour to your session!
– Get a little sun! Glowing tanned skin looks great on the beach and even better in photos. That is why we recommend booking your session towards the end of your vacation.
– Eat, drink, and rest. If your body is happy it will show in your portraits. Drinking plenty of water and getting a good nights sleep will keep your energy level high during your shoot.

– After the shoot-
40 photos will be selected, edited, and available for download in 24 hours via private online gallery.
A feedback request will be sent so to ensure that my clients are satisfied.

Stop At:

• Playa Troncones, Troncones Mexico